Collection : 75 Breaking Point Quotes To Sail Through Tough Times
Looking for quotes about breaking point, when the times get tough? We have got the best collection of motivational breaking point quotes, sayings, captions, messages (with images and pictures) to get you working through the tough times.
There are trying times in life, when you work hard towards your goal but you fail and things seem to go worse. It may seem impossible to move on and under stress and anxiety you may reach your breaking point. But slipping into depression and getting frustrated won’t get you anywhere. Its best to be patient and keep moving on with a positive mindset.
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Even in a relationship, you may feel a betrayal or breakup may be the reason for your breakdown. So when the struggle gets tough, you have to be strong, get tougher and work harder to achieve your dreams.
Breaking Point Quotes And Sayings
“Even the nicest people have their limits.”
“Your breaking point is a time of self discovery.”
“Your breaking point is really your making point.”
“Everyone has a breaking point. I’ve reached mine.”
“Everyone has a breaking point.” ―Carlos Wallace
“When life gets harder challenge yourself to be stronger.”
“Commit to getting stronger every time life gets tougher.”
“If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.” ―H. G. Wells
“Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.”
“When at the breaking point. Let God do your decision making.”
“No matter how strong a girl is, she always has a breaking point.”
“Make your breaking point your turning point.” ―Dennis Kimbro
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” ―Robert H. Schuller
“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” ―Robert Schuller
“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” ―Joseph Kennedy
“When you get to your breaking point, remember that it’s simply a test.”
“We don’t grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges.”
“At your breaking point is when you should summon the courage to go on.”
“I am literally at my breaking point over things that shouldn’t even matter.”
“Don’t give up!!! It would truly suck if success was right around the corner.”
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, every time we fall.” ―Confucius
“Do whatever it takes to get to your goal. Your breaking point is not the end.”
“Everyone has a breaking point. I’ve just reach mine.” ―Susane Colasanti
“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.”
“Sometimes you’ve got to go beyond the breaking point and then you catch it.”
“Everyone has a breaking point, no matter, how strong they are.” ―Lisa Gupta
“There’s no point breaking a lot of crockery unnecessarily.” ―J. Carter Brown
“There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough.”
“Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel.” ― H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
“May the hardest days of mothering be your turning point not your breaking point.”
“To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.” ―Gail Sheehy
“She had enough… No matter how deep her love is, every woman has a breaking point.”
“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” ―Marilyn Monroe
“When you come to the end of the rope tie a knot and hang on.” ―Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Just underneath your breaking point lies your true strength.” ―Jennifer Tindugan-Adovido
“We must meet the challenge rather than wish it were not before us.” ―William J. Brennan, Jr.
“God knows your breaking point. You simply don’t know your own strength.” ―Swami Satchidananda
“I just feel for people. You never know when someone is at their breaking point and needs something to believe in.”
“It was really a pleasure to play someone who’s literally pushed past her breaking point repeatedly.” ―Jeri Ryan
“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” ―Joshua J. Marine
“You’ll know when she reaches her breaking point. She’ll no longer argue with you, instead she’ll just give you her silence.”
“Everybody has a breaking point, the fact is, you don’t know where it is until you get there.” ―Abdulazeez Henry Musa
“Even the strongest person has a breaking point. It doesn’t mean they are weak. Just means someone pushed them too far.”
“In order to be the best, you have to know your breaking point-go to the edge of it, but never go beyond.” ―Rebecca Twigg
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ―Thomas Edison
“Everyone has a breaking point. Deny it, and you’ll blind yourself to know when you’ve reached yours. ” ―Dorothy McFalls
“You can only be so strong for so long until you reach the point where you break, physically, mentally, emotionally, broken.”
“The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered, there is opportunity for growth.”
“Women generally care more within a relationship but are also more likely to walk away and stay away once reaching a breaking point.”
“Pisces will take a lot of mistreatment, but they have a breaking point. Push them to it, you will watch your fish swim away never to return.”
“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” ― Bernice Johnson Reagon
“I don’t know about your true form, but the weight of your ego sure is pushing the crust of the earth toward the breaking point.” ―Jim Butcher
“There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.” ―WilliamFrederick Halsey, Jr.
“There comes a point where you no longer care if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel or not. You’re just sick of the tunnel.” ―Ranata Suzuki
“We all have our breaking point when our heart will finally have enough of being lied to and just shut off, it will hurt but it knows its time to move on.”
“Behind my smile is a breaking heart, behind my laugh I’m falling apart, behind my eyes are tears at night, Behind my body is a soul trying to fight.”
“Promise me you’ll always remember: You;re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ―A. A. Milne
“Courage doesn’t always roar, Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” ―Mary Anne Radmacher
“For the only courage worth calling courage must necessarily mean that the soul passes a breaking point and does not break.” ― Gilbert K Chesterton
“A mind is only as sharp as the knife, that strives to cut through thoughts too tough for the blade, before it breaks or goes dull.” ―Anthony Liccione
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” ―Dale Carnegie
“Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path, and you will find you have crossed the mountain.”
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Each man has a breaking point, no matter how strong his spirit. Somewhere, deep inside him, there is a flaw that only the fickle cruelty of fate can find.” ―David Gemmell
“Never push a good woman past her breaking point because when you do, no amount of apologizing or pleading will make her decide to stay. I know this from experience.”
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ―Martin Luther King, Jr.
“No matter how strong, everyone has a breaking point. It is ok to have a meltdown when the stress is overwhelming. The key to find a way to bounce back, stronger than ever.” ―Paul TP Wong
“Why is it that when your life is at a breaking point, every freaking song on the radio relates to it. If I heard one more sad song, I was going to rip the radio out of the dash and toss it out on the road.” ―Jennifer Foor
“That morning each of us found a breaking point. Not only a physical barrier, but a point where determination, stamina and duty clashed and were overcome not so much by pain but by absurdity.” ―Stefan Kieszling
“Again and again our Lord allows the world to crumble to the breaking point, so that people may feel the pain and learn to understand their place in the universe under a sovereign and loving Creator.” ―Justin Steckbauer
“Endure, put up with whatever comes your way, learn to overcome weakness and pain, push yourself to breaking point but never cave in. If you don’t learn that lesson, you’ll never succeed as an elite athlete.” ― Toni Nadal
“All my life, I struggled to stretch my mind to the breaking point, until it began to creak, in order to create a great thought which might be able to give a new meaning to life, a new meaning to death, and to console mankind.” ―Nikon Kazantzakis
“Everyone has a breaking point, turning point, stress point, the game is permeated with it. The fans don’t see it because we make it look so efficient. But internally, for a guy to be successful, you have to be like a clock spring, wound but not loose at the same time.” ― Dave Winfield
“I’m interested in that thing that happens where there’s a breaking point for some people and not for others. You go through such hardship, things that are almost impossibly difficult, and there’s no sign that it’s going to get any better, and that’s the point when people quit. But some don’t.” ―Robert Redford
“I think what saved me, as a writer, is that there are really two breaking points in my life. One was when I was 19 and my mother died, and one was when I was 31 and my first child was born. And that sort of gave me a kind of rebirth that I think has been invaluable to me as a novelist, in terms of seeing the world anew.” ―Anna Quindlen
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About The Author
Ananya Bhatt
I am Ananya a Graduate from Holmes College Sydney. I am a professional speaker and I love motivating people and inspire them to pursue their dreams. I have been an active contributor to The Random Vibez from last 2 years. Sharing quotes, proverbs, and sayings of great authors to touch people’s lives to make it better.