Quotes About Women. The inspirational quotes for women below are filled with wisdom that will awaken hope, ambition, faith and inner strength. Reading words of wisdom from such amazing women can inspire you to become a strong woman yourself, who approaches life with confidence.
Positive quotes for strong woman day. A woman’s beauty comes from so many more places than her outer appearance. True beauty lies within and if you know of anyone who values a lady based strictly on her looks. The list of female strengths is endless. Women provide the foundation of power, grace, wisdom, justice, creativity, and hope. Besides, women are known to have better intuition, patience, emotional focus, compassion, and networking ability.
Here are some Deep Inspirational Quotes for woman, May these be a source of inspiration and sparkle in your life. Not just poetries and novels, even Powerful Women Empowerment Quotes uphold the dignity of a woman.

Inspirational Quotes For Women
Independent Strong Women Quotes. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. Life has knocked me down a few times, it showed me things I never wanted to see. Think like a queen. She was fierce. I’m tough, ambitious and I know exactly what I want. Inspirational quotes and sayings on strong women with images. We’ve selected the best quotes, enjoy.
1. A Strong Woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely Her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter… A Strong Woman is both soft and powerful She is both practical and spiritual… A Strong Woman in her essence is a gift to the world…
2. “Learn from the mistakes of others, You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
3. Stop second guessing yourself and start believing in yourself.
4. Never Apologize For Being Sensitive Or Emotional. Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. It’s a sign that you have a big heart, and that you aren’t afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength.
5. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

6. Between men and women, there is no friendship possible. There is a passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. Oscar Wilde
7. So yes I am a woman I am not here to please everybody I will please myself only yes I am a woman. I am not here to take everyone’s responsibilities I will grow myself only Yes I am a woman… Why should I wear a fake smile for others faces I will cry for myself I will laugh for myself you wanna call me selfish yes I am; yes I am a woman…
8. I am the type of person that will sit in the bathroom and cry, but then walk out like nothing ever. – Quotes about strong woman note every woman need to understand and wise on every step move on.
9. Be that girl that wakes up with purpose and intent. Be that girl who shows up and never gives up. Be that girl who believes anything is possible and works for it.
10. Short strong woman quotes “Never forget how wildly capable you are.”
11. “I am a strong woman. I don’t sit around feeling sorry for myself, nor let people mistreat me. I don’t respond to people who dictate to me or try to bring me down. If I fall I will rise up even stronger because I am survivor and not a victim.”
12. Never put yourself in a situation, where are not sure of where you stand in a person’s life.
13. Life is very short. Insecurity is a waste of time.
14. I’m not the same soul I once was. A lot has changed. A lot had to change. So you shouldn’t expect out of me what I embodied in the past. For that part of me no longer exists.
15. “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” – Napoleon Hill

16. “Be that strong girl that everyone knew would make it through the worst, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do anything, be that independent girl who didn’t need a man; be that girl who never backed down.”
17. Today I choose to forgive myself for past mistakes, Today I choose happiness, contentment, and Inner-peace Today I choose to free myself of negativity and to take ownership of my life Today, and everyday, I choose self-love and to believe in the magic of undying hope. – Becca Lee
18. People with purpose, goals, and visions have no time for drama. They invest their energy in creativity and focus on living a positive life.
19. “Always aim high, work hard, & care deeply about what you believe in. And, when you stumble, keep the faith. And, when you’re knocked down, get right back up & never listen to anyone who says you can’t or shouldn’t go on.” – Hillary Clinton
20. I will not be another flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult, to find, and impossible to forget. Erin Van Vuren
21. “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes- understanding that failure is not the opposite of Success, it’s part of success.” – Arianna Huffington
22. A successful is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her.
23. Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine. – MARIO FERNÅNDEZ

24. I’m not perfect. I’ll annoy you, piss you off, say stupid things, then take it all back. But put that all aside, and you’ll never find a person who cares or loves you more than me.
25. I’m a strong woman. Everything that’s hit me in my life, I’ve dealt with on my own. I’ve cried myself to sleep. I’ve picked myself back up and wiped my tears I have grown from things that were meant to break me. I get stronger by the day and I have to thank God for that.
26. Strong woman quotes sayings stay positive on every move “I don’t know exactly what the future holds, but I’m stepping forward with grit anchored in grace.”
27. “And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”
28. “The thing that is really hard and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning to work on becoming yourself.”
29. Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all — in which case, you fail by default.
30. Women have a unique power of being able to look at the world’s problems and discover solutions that transform lives and make the world a better place.
31. If we can compassionately remind ourselves in moments of falling down that failure is part of the shared human experience, then that moment becomes one of togetherness rather than isolation. Kristin Neff
32. Oh, I’m just a mom,’ you hear women say. `Just’ a mom? Please! Being a mom is everything. It’s mentorship, it’s inspirational, it’s our hope for the future. Sally Field
33. “I just love bossy women. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means someone’s passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn’t mind leading.”
34. Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, & who love you no matter what.
35. Inspirational quotes about strong woman always “Think like the queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”

36. Yes, I m a woman.
I push doors that clearly say PULL.
I Laugh harder when try to explain why am Laughing.
I walk into a room and forget why I was there.
I count on my fingers in math.
I hide the pain from my loved ones.
I say it is a long story when it’s really not.
I cry a lot more than you think do.
I care about people who don’t care about me.
I try to do thinks before microwave beeps.
I listen to you even when you don’t listen to me.
And a hug will always help.
Yes, I’m a woman!
37. “A woman whose is open and whose expression is lad has a hind of beauty no matter she wears.” -Anne Roiphe
38. If I were to describe a woman’s strength, I will be talking about rocks, depths, fire, and warfare. A woman can withstand the harshest realities and still create a beautiful home.
39. Strong women aren’t simply born. We are forged through the challenges of life. With each challenge, we grow mentally and emotionally. We move forward with our head held high and a strength that can not be denied. A woman who’s been through the storm and filled. We are warriors!
40. A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey. But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong…
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