Good Night Images. These inspiring good night quotes for her and sayings on true love, life, feelings and more. Looking for the best good night images for her, pictures, photos & images? Dreamsquote’s pictures can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and blogs.
Inspirational Goodnight Quotes. You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up. Good night, sleep tight. If someone wishes you goodnight every day, you’re happier than so many people. And tonight, I’ll fall asleep with you in my heart. May you dream of lovely sweet love. Good Night Messages For Girlfriend. Say Good night to your girlfriend with beautiful quotes and messages. Let her know how much you love her.
Good night love. You’ll bring a shiny smile on your lover’s face by sending a cute goodnight text to her. “You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Sweet goodnight love messages will no doubt put a smile on their face before they drift off to sleep. “The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake and miss you.” Sweet dreams my love.

Good Night Quotes
Before you settle for bed, don’t forget to hug or kiss your loved ones good night. Add these good night quotes and you’re good to go. Sweet dreams! Quotes To Wish Family Members A Goodnight. Sleep well, wake up well and I’ll see your bright and happy face tomorrow.
1. “I thought that I could handle being apart from you, but I miss you too much. Goodnight love.”
2. “Wishing you good night doesn’t feel good anymore, because each time I decide to message you good night it reminds me that I have to wait all night long to hear from you again. Miss you lots. Good night.”
3. “It all comes down to the last person you think of at night.-. That’s where your heart is.”

4. “Tonight I’m going to sleep earlier because I want to see you in my dream very early, good night!”
5. “You’re the first person I want to talk to when I wake up and the last person I wish to see before I fall asleep.”
6. “The most beautiful thing about every night is not the stars being with the moon or cool breeze being with the clouds, but you being with me. Good night.”
7. “Did I make you smile was the visit worth the while, because for you I will go the extra mile, and as you go to sleep I hope I got you to smile, smile for me my princess and have a lovely night rest? Good night.”

8. “It doesn’t matter where you come from but what matters most is to understand where you going. Goodnight and catch the sweet dreams!- good night quotes”
9. “As you lay straight on your bed tonight, touch your heart and make a wish, as I am sending a lovely good night, sealed with a kiss, touch your heart and say a silent prayer, thank the Lord for a wonderful day, today sleep in peace, because a new dawn means a new day, so sleep tight as I wish today. Cute love quotes for her”
10. “I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.”
11. “The one who follows the crowd will usually Go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before – Albert Einstein”
12. “Sweet dreams my love. I want you to know that I think of you day and night, and I wish you the best. I love you.”

13. “I am not there to hold you through, I am not there to cuddle you tight, but, in my thoughts, you are there for sure, to make this a lovely night, wish you a good night, don’t forget to dream tonight!”
14. “Don’t fear, today monsters won’t visit you as I will I protect your sleep.”
15. “The night is a nice gift, open the gift by closing your eyes, you will see another world waiting for you. Enjoy the sweet dream, so good night.”
Good Night Quotes For Her
Best good night quotes for her. Good night wishes for her. Every relationship needs a spice up. How well do you treat your Girl lover and how do you spice up your relationship and make it Lively.

16. “Last night I hugged my pillow and dreamt of you. I hugged my hi pillow and dreamt of you. I wish that someday I’d dream about my pillow and I’d be hugging you. Good night love quotes for her.”
17. “All I wish that I could be there to say good night instead of sending you this message.”
18. “No matter how far you are, you will always be in my thoughts. Each day that we are together is the best day of my life.”

19. “The day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.”
20. “I wish I could watch you sleeping safely, comfortably and happily tonight. I’m sending you millions of kisses, with hopes you’ll know how much I love you! Good night!”
21. “Good night everyone lord, please watch over my family and friends and keep them safe In Jesus’ name, I pray sweet dreams!”
22. “Good night no matter how far away you are, you will always be in my thoughts. Each day that we are together is the best day of my life.”
23. “The night is longer than a day for those who dream, and the day is longer than night for those who make their dreams come true. Wish you good night and sweet dreams!”
24. “My sweet angel, surrender yourself to pleasant dreams and keep me in your mind even when you sleep. Good night. Baby, I love you”
Good Night Love Quotes For Her
Good night, sweetheart my love. Let the moon envelop you with warmth, and the stars in the sky will make your dreams come true. When I see you in my dreams, I do not want to leave this sweet dream, I am in your eternal captivity. Good night, my angel. Sweet goodnight love messages will no doubt put a smile on her face and Sending love quotes for her.
25. “The night breeze is blowing through my hair and the soft touch reminds me of your kisses. I wish I didn’t have to miss you this much.”

26. “Your sweet time of today is ending now, forget bad incidents, remembers beautiful moments, to refresh your mind wish you a sweet sleep. Good night!”
27. “Tonight I want the moon and the start to take care of you while you are dreaming so you can sleep peacefully and happily. I love you.”
28. “Gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative force in the universe.”
29. “I’ll go miles to kiss your forehead and kiss your beautiful lips and also to whisper a very goodnight in your ears. Goodnight my love.”
30. “Ever since I met you, nobody else is worth thinking about.”

31. “Every night I love coming back home. Because home is being in your arms. Good night my love.”
32. “Legend says, when you can’t sleep at night, it’s because you’re awake I: someone else’s dream.”
33. “When there is darkness all around the place I do start missing your grace that lovely smile of yours and the way you talk to me it’s the night for you to see that I am missing you my sweetie good night to you!”
34. “I miss our conversations until the morning, the night is empty without you.”
35. “May you have a good night, and I will be here for you in the morning when you wake up.”
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Good Night Images
Looking for the best good night pictures, photos & images? Dreamquote’s pictures can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and blogs. “As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, all the good times are yours to keep. Sweet dreams & Good Night.”