Funny New Job Wishes Messages With Images: Being hired for one’s first job or gaining a new job is usually a significant event in one’s life. A new job opens up a plethora of prospects for advancement in your profession, so it’s definitely something to rejoice over! This is arguably the most obvious theme to include in a new job congratulation greeting, and there are numerous ways to express it. We like to pair a basic congratulation with a joke or some good comments about the receiver of the card, such as this: See more ideas about good luck on your new job, funny quotes, funny words, congratulation messages.
Funny New Job Wishes
#1. Your previous employer’s loss is your new employer’s gain. Congrats on your new job.
#2. May your new job brings to make you a billionaire so that we can party at your expense. Congrats.
#3. If your new job were a person, he would feel lucky to have you. Congratulations.

congratulations on your new job funny
#4. Your new job is one more addition to the list of things that I envy you for. Congratulations.
#6. Sometimes deserving people get a bad job. And sometimes a stupid person finds a great job. But who cares when the stupid person is your friend. Congratulations!
#7. You seriously deserved this success. I hope your new job is as easy as you are.
Funny Job Wishes For Friend
#8. I heard you earned a new fancy job title. You are a big fish now!
#9. Congratulations on doing what we pay you for in the way it was intended to be done!
#10. Congratulation you on your promotion! Hope you haven’t earned it on your knees…

funny new job wishes for him
#11. Now that you have a job, can you pay your own bills now? Kidding. Congratulations, and I am so happy about you my dear friend!
#13. Along with congratulations, sending you lots of luck and prayers as you are going to need them. Best of luck.
#14. I would have baked you a congratulatory cake, sent hugs and kisses along with this message to let you know how happy I am of you. Congratulations on your new job!
Funny Job Messages For Him
#15. Thank god someone finally realized that terrific employees like you need better pay. Congratulations.
#16. A new job is like a girlfriend or boyfriend. It will break up with you if you take it for granted. Wish you good luck.
#17. Congratulations on your new job. There is no doubt that your new employer is winning at life for having you- just make him believe. Lots of love.

funny congratulations on your new job
#19. Make all lies of the job application true. Have fun working, darling. I bet you will own the new job.
#20. I am super proud of you for getting handpicked for your new job. Just do not take much stress and go MIA. Love you, boo.
#21. Hope your new job doesn’t go boring in a few weeks like the last one. Rooting for you, sweetheart.
Funny Job Messages For Her
#22. First, you got in on your dream university. Second, you finished with good grades and now you got hired for others…lol…Congratulations on your new job!
#23. Doesn’t your new job mean that you owe me a treat? Looking forward to it. Congratulations buddy.
#24. You are great! Congratulations on your 1 % raise… ha..ha..ha…Have fun working! I love you, bro. All the best, loving friend!

funny job wishes for friend
#26. You’ve got a new job, so luck has played its part, and now it‘s all up to you!
#27. Getting a new job is easy. Being offered a new job is not. Congratulations on being headhunted.
#28. Your abilities have propelled you to new heights of success; this fantastic position is due to your devotion, hard effort, and yes, confidence; Many congratulations to you, and stay blessed!
Funny New Job Messages
#29. Best of luck as you embark on a new career path. May you conquer all of your fears and achieve the pinnacle of success at your new job.
#30. The announcement of your new employment brightens my day. I can’t think of anyone else who is qualified for this position. Best wishes and congratulations.
#31. With your strong personality, confidence, and hard work embrace all of the new challenges that the new job will throw at you. Congratulations.

funny new job quotes
#32. Well done, and congratulations. May your hard work and self-assurance lead to the sweetest taste of success in your new employment, which you’ve always desired.
#33. Congratulations on starting a new job! I believe you will consistently deliver exceptional results and achieve success.
Best Wishes For New Job To Friend
#35. I’m ecstatic for you, my friend. I have great faith in your ability to achieve a bright future in your profession.
#36. All I can say is that I hope your new job brings you happiness and that you make the most of this new chance. All the best to you.
#37. Getting a new job is an accomplishment in and of itself, so congrats, my friend! I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!
#38. I’ve seen you have huge aspirations since I was a kid, and now I get to see you make them all come true by landing this position first. Congratulations, pal!
#39. I’ve always seen you as a life warrior, and success will be yours if you maintain your commitment and hard work. Best wishes for your new position!
New Job Wishes For Him
#41. As you begin your first day at a new job, I wish you the best of luck. I hope you make a good impression on your new boss and coworkers right away.
#42. May your new employment is fascinating and enjoyable, and may you complete all of your tasks. May you have a lot of success and become the best employee in the company. Best wishes, sweetie.
#43. I hope your new career brings you considerably more happiness than you currently have. I have faith in you and your hard work. I’m waiting for a call from someone with impressions.
#44. A new job means new experiences, colleagues, and surroundings. Everything will be OK, I’m confident. Have faith in yourself!
#45. People like you, who are so tenacious, focused, powerful, tough, and determined, don’t need to be wished good luck because they make their own luck wherever they go.
New Job Wishes For Her
#47. Love, best of luck with your new career! May the road ahead of you be smooth and stable, allowing you to arrive at your destination as quickly as possible! I’m so proud of you!
#48. This sweetheart is proof that dedication and sincerity always lead to success. Keep up the good work at your new position as well! Best of luck!
#49. I’m so proud of you! You were well-deserving of this position. You’ve worked so hard to make your goals come true, and now you’ve succeeded. Congratulations on the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in your life!
#50. A new job is a fresh start. It has the potential to transform your life in a variety of ways. Take advantage of this opportunity to make every minute of your life a thrilling journey. Best wishes for your new position!
#51. Congratulations and motivational comments will be an excellent start to their new career.
Best Wishes for Having First Job
#53. With confidence, embrace all of the new difficulties and changes that this first job will throw at you. We have faith in you. Congratulations and well done.
#54. This is a new beginning in which you will discover your life, meet new people, and investigate yourself. I am incredibly proud of you. You’ve got your first job, which is fantastic.
#55. Though the winds of change can bring uneasiness, the shift brought on by your new job is a wonderful chance for you to continue to grow and succeed professionally. You are ideal for the part, and you will excel at it. Congratulations.
#56. You are brave for taking on this new task and moving outside of your comfort zone. Congratulations on reclaiming charge of your career, seeing your enormous prospects, and broadening your knowledge set. You’ll perform admirably, as you usually do.
Best Wishes For New Job To Husband
#58. Dear spouse, congratulations on your new job. It will present you with numerous problems, but remember that I believe in you and am confident that you will overcome them and emerge victorious in the end.
#59. We’ve known each other for a long time, and I have to say, this is one of my proudest achievements. Congratulations on your new job, darling spouse!
#60. I understand your fear. It’s always frightening to try to fit in. But you have nothing to fear because you are amazing, and everyone at your new job will be smitten by your personality. Champ, keep your head up!
#61. “Don’t allow the fear of striking out hold you back,” Babe Ruth once said. Changes are frightening, yet they are unavoidable. Keep your head up and don’t be afraid; everything will turn out OK.
#62. Congratulations on your new position. We all know how hard you worked to get this job, and we are completely behind you! Never forget that, and I wish you the best of luck, especially with your boss and coworkers.
Wishes For New Job To Wife
#64. Sweetheart, I’ve never met a person as industrious and self-assured as you. I’m glad you’re getting another chance to prove yourself. Many best wishes go out to you.
#65. When they meet you, those who believe women aren’t equal to men will be stunned. You’re the most powerful woman I’ve ever seen. Congratulations.
#66. A new job comes with a lot of responsibility. But don’t be afraid! You have everything you need to deal with any problems that arise. May the next chapter of your life be filled with joy and pleasure.
#67. We all know someone who is looking for a new job, has recently landed one, or has recently received a promotion.
#68. You didn’t have a job a few days ago… It’s funny. It’s funny how you may have nothing one minute and then have everything the next. I wish you the best of luck in your new career. I’m confident that you’ll succeed!
#69. Your new job is nothing to be concerned about. It’s just another terrific opportunity for you to demonstrate that you’re a wonderful person who works hard. Demonstrate how you do it!
Best Wishes For New Job To Girlfriend
#71. Congratulations on your new job and best of luck! All I ask is that you use your determination and perseverance to pave your own path to success.
#72. I congratulate you and wish you the best of luck! You should take advantage of this new opportunity. May this new work fulfill all of your expectations.
#73. It makes me so thrilled to see you chase (and catch) your aspirations! Best wishes for your new position!
#74. Is it weird if I tell you I’m proud of you? Because I am wholly committed. Congratulations!
#75. Best wishes for your new position! You can now purchase a variety of fantastic items for me! (Don’t forget to get yourself something nice.)
Best Wishes For New Job To Boyfriend
#77. May this new position add another feather to your success hat, and may you achieve major career milestones as a result of this fresh beginning.
#78. Best wishes for your new career. May you find this employment very stimulating, and may you be the best employee.
#79. Congratulations on your new position! You’ll have a hard time finding coworkers who are as odd as we are.
#80. Congratulations! From now on, it appears that you’ll be slacking off at a much more impressive job. Best wishes
#81. Send one of these good luck for new work quotes and new job wishes to let them know you wish them luck.
#82. It will be difficult to say goodbye, but best wishes for this exciting new journey at [Company, Name]!
#83. Congratulations on all of your achievements at [company]. Best of luck with your new job at [company]!
#84. Have faith in yourself. A new job is an opportunity to demonstrate to everyone that your personality is much more than meets the eye. You have everything you need to enchant your new coworkers, so don’t waste any time!
New Job Wishes for Colleague
#86. I’m envious of your ‘new colleagues in the making,’ because they have no idea who they’ll be working with. Congratulations.
#87. Congratulations! We will certainly miss you, but we are confident that your new employer will value your greatness and efficiency just as much. Best wishes on your new adventure.
#88. We extend our warmest congratulations on your new position. Thank you for sticking with us for so many years and giving it your all. Best regards.
#89. Acknowledging someone’s new employment doesn’t have to be difficult; we’ll make it simple for you!
#90. Yes, without a doubt. Congratulations on your new position.
#91. Congratulations on making it out of here alive!
New Job Card Greeting Messages
#93. Finally, you’re leaving, and you won’t be seen again till tomorrow! We’ll miss you, but we’re excited about starting your new career.
#94. You may have gotten lucky with your new position, but I believe your firm was much luckier in hiring you. Best wishes.
#95. You definitely want your buddy or coworker to succeed in their new position, and there are a few ways to convey this to them. Best wishes!
#96. Congratulations on your new job, my best friend! You possess all of the necessary attributes for success, and I am confident that you will achieve great things in this new chapter of your life.
#97. A new job brings with it a new aim, a fresh start, and a whole new universe. May you have a wonderful time in this new chapter of your life! Best wishes.
#98. Every time I start a new job, I still get the jitters! It makes you feel alive, which I like. Camille Guaty (Camille Guaty)
#99. May God give you the strength to fit into your new career! I believe you’ll be an excellent fit for the job. Congratulations!
#100. Starting a new job is usually nerve-wracking, or at least it is for me. It’s like the first day of school all over again. Sean Maher (Sean Maher)
#101. I wish you the best of luck in your new career, and I am confident that you will.
#102. Accept all of life’s new patterns, and may you triumph over fear in your new beginning.
#103. Change your job, your boss, your compensation, and your way of life. However, please do not alter your current behavior. You have a new job, which we congratulate you on.
New Job Wishes with a Twist
#105. More money comes with a new job, and more money reminds me of treats and more treats. Congratulations on being able to officially treat me to high-end cuisine.
#106. Best of luck with your new job. We only hope you can find crazy coworkers like us there.
#107. A new job entails more money, which entails more treats for you. Now, where’s my prize? Congratulations?
#108. This new employment brings with it a slew of new opportunities, like breaking new official rules, gossiping about new coworkers, mocking new interns, and cursing new managers. Most importantly, have fun and good luck.
#109. Best wishes for your new position at [Company Name].
#110. [Name], [Congratulations] on your new position! I hope your new boss is as nice as you have been to us.
Inspiring New Job Messages
#112. You can’t always foresee how your new job will turn out, but you can always work hard to ensure that you get what you deserve. Congratulations.
#113. Consider your new employees to have a purpose. Procrastination should be avoided at all costs, and contributions should be increased to meet or exceed expectations. Congratulations.
#114. A new job will offer new problems, but it will also bring new friends, passions, and projects to work on. I can’t wait to see you succeed. Congratulations, and keep moving forward!
#115. You’re a rock legend! Welcome to the world of the working class. You’re going to go quite a distance. Even when things appear difficult, I know you’ll rise to the occasion. You can do it!
Sweet Congrats Messages for a Friend or Family Member
#117. When a close friend or relative gets the new job they’ve been looking for, it’s a joyous occasion. With these heartfelt congratulations texts, you can participate in their excitement.
#118. Congratulations on your new position at [Company Name]! Wishing you luck on your first day and beyond.
#119. — [Name] — Congratulations on your fantastic new job! I adore you.
#120. You accomplished it, yay! I’m looking forward to seeing you at your new workplace, [Name].
#121. Congratulations on achieving the position of 140 Funny New Job Wishes Messages With Images! What a fantastic accomplishment. We are extremely proud of you.
#122. [Name], we’re ecstatic about your new venture! You’ve earned it!
#123. A major or significant promotion warrants a celebration! When it’s a well-deserved promotion, here’s how to say “congratulations on your new position.”
#124. [Name], I’d like to congratulate you on your new role in the [Category] team. You’re going to be fantastic!
#125. Congratulations on your promotion; you deserve it!
New Job Quotes
#127. “It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” – Carlton Fisk
#128. “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” – Alan Cohen
#129. “Whatever the job you are asked to do at whatever level, do a good job because your reputation is your resume.” – Madeleine Albright
#130. “Work to become, not to acquire.” – Elbert Hubbard
#131. “Every job will demand some sacrifice. The key is to avoid unnecessary sacrifice.” – Sheryl Sandberg
#132. “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein
#133. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!” – Henry David Thoreau
#134. “Desire! That’s the one secret of every man’s career. Not education. Not being born with hidden talents. Desire.” – Bobby Unser
#135. “Only undertake what you can do excellently. There are no prizes for average performance.” – Brian Tracy