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♥ “As for the work, it needs to be done, but the cleaning crew is now in the restroom, which makes my duty more difficult.”
♥ “adverse consequences that are the outcome of being a Caucasian female.”
♥ “is capable of properly guessing lines that are said just a little time before they appear in the movie.”
♥ “While it is warm and hot here, I still have to go to work.”
♥ “Even if Eve succeeded in causing us to be addicted to an apple, what could she possibly do to make sure we are finished off with a Klondike bar?”
♥ “The next time someone tries to start a conversation with me while I’m alone myself, I shall give them a look of bewilderment and just reply “umm.” Can you see me?”
♥ “I just have enough dip for my chips, and I just have a little bit left. I am happy to have an ample supply of chips, but if I open another container, I will not have enough chips for my dip.”
♥ “Basically, we’re behind on our lecture time because we’ve been doing poorly in our studies.”
♥ “What if pay phones become extinct as a result of their personification and increasing the difficulty of breaking free from the matrix?”
♥ “I’m simply who I am. I’m just speaking for myself here, but I think Dora is a fucking bitch. I’d speak to her about it.”
♥ “Would you mind if I borrowed your training wheels so I could learn how to drive?”
♥ “Flat jokes aimed at males which are just long enough for the average male to grasp.”
♥ “Wet socks indicates that my socks were moist, and the bathroom floor was wet, both of which are correct.”
♥ “Everything on my back bothered me, so it was a very bad day. This is a true tale.”
♥ “Public locations are not appropriate for weddings, so avoid using them whenever possible.”
♥ “This is the first Chinese-created goddess that has ever been put into place.”
♥ “Shopping lists are called grocery lists when it takes you half an hour to write one down, and then you completely forget to bring it to the shop with you.”
♥ “My frustration seemed to trigger Peek-a-next boo’s statement, which included, “You will never locate these gentlemen, of course.” It seems as if there was no question that he is once again present.”
♥ “To be able to determine if it is a fine pair of tits, how do you figure it out? squeeze it in the manner described”
♥ “Okay, let’s finish this out once and for all. Before you do mouth-to-mouth on me, you must burp me first.”
♥ “I’ve just received a new blouse with a tag that’s aggravating the living daylights out of me.”
♥ “I have no choice but to run outdoors due to the treadmill being broken.”
♥ “This cafeteria has a back entrance, a term used for entrances located at the back of a building or area.”
♥ “If you purchase a half-pound bag of M & Ms along with a diet soda (sometimes referred to as diet pop), then you should have half a pound of M & Ms and one diet soda (or diet pop).”
♥ “An obscene amount of scatological activity transpired in the tub.”
♥ “No, considering the amount of money you just shelled out for that camera, doesn’t it shock you? To be a genuine professional photographer, you need to show dedication and commitment.”
♥ “He must be a well-known person since he has a large following.”
♥ “That seems like a phone producing an odd noise, doesn’t it?”
♥ “Sneaky, manipulative individuals are, well, devious and unpleasant. The reason you are a*shole is because when you crawl on my ceiling upside down over my head, you are an as * hole.”
♥ “All girls should have love! That is accurate, right?”
♥ “During the beginning of the semester, if a student makes a witty statement, it is known as a “Ha”. Not that it’s any consolation, but when students say something funny in June, they do it again. I challenge you to accomplish it.”
♥ “The commercials have been taken out of the Disney Channel, so I must visit the toilet.”
♥ “The noodles I ate earlier tasted quite terrible, and now my phone number is about to slip through my fingers.”
♥ “Families are getting ready for the impending school year, which is expected to bring many sunny days in a row. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that it’s now out of my control.”
♥ “This morning, there was a noticeable increase in the amount of rising in my raisin bran.”
♥ “This is 100% true; I am not making this up. I shit you not, the aircraft was heading straight towards my mouth.”
♥ “To finish off, the cat destroyed the curtains, right? , I think we are most certainly in possession of the claws.”
♥ “And, also, this female offers me her keys. Holy crap, dude. I’ve never heard anything like this before. Those sons of bitches were in the process of making themselves a beautiful racket.”
♥ “The concept of an argument is based on this definition. It’s a dialogue where you’re accurate, where you establish your reasoning, and where he eventually understands it.”
♥ “And then, after doing that, she once again placed her hands over her eyes and once again vanished.”
♥ “As a suspect, I had the right to remain quiet and not to answer any questions. Unfortunately, I was not as skilled as I wanted to be.”
♥ “I’m still hungry, even though I had two ice cream cones.”
♥ “Pay attention: No need to worry; I have not lost my sobriety yet. a three-letter acdbef”
♥ “There are several things a woman’s body can do to help her fight becoming pregnant if it is the result of true ra.”
♥ “Actually, you can not do that. Science, no question about it. She doesn’t look too bad; in fact, she looks rather amazing. When you learn more about vaginas, you may be astonished to discover that, aside from being able to reject sperm, they may also act as wi-fi hotspots. Furthermore, I have heard that the gadget can recognize and convert standard DVDs to Blu-ray; and that this equipment can detect and detect radon and carbon monoxide. In the case of a vehicle pursuit, I’ve also heard that the equipment is also able to recognize harmful gases like radon and carbon monoxide. This shotgun may be used to fire projectiles like tacks or an oil slick to cause your pursuers to lose their bearings. I commend my vagina to you, ladies and gentlemen. Each day presents fresh learning opportunities.”
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