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The best quotes of all time are the ones that resonate with people in a way that the world will never forget them. They’re the kind of wisdom that smacks you in the face and encourages you to be all you can be. So if you need a quick reminder to be yourself, live life to the fullest, or follow your dreams, don’t be afraid to print out a great quote and tack it next to your desk or set it as your home screen background.
In this collection, we have listed the best +37 Submission Quotes 2 and Sayings with Images to inspire you !
Best Submission Quotes 2 and Sayings with Images
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Here, we’ve compiled a list of the best Submission Quotes 2 of all time (listed in no particular order). You’ve likely heard some of the quotes before, but that’s because they truly are great, so if you’re looking for true inspiration, continue reading :
The idea of submission is never meant to allow someone to overstep another’s boundaries. Submission only has meaning in the context of boundaries, for boundaries promote self-control and freedom. If a wife is not free and in control of herself, she is not submitting anyway. She is a slave subject to a slave driver, and she is out of the will of God. – Henry Cloud
It was that surrender he needed. That complete feminine submission to every stroke, every caress, ever naughty act. Only in that submission would the subconscious trust, the bond he needed between them, come. He wanted her to trust, to know, to instinctively understand that he was more than just her lover; he was her other half. The one she told her secrets to. The one, she made secrets with. – Lora Leigh
I’ll tell you what love is” I said, “It is blind devotion, unquestioning self humiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world, giving up your heart and soul to the smiter. – Jasper Fforde
It’s hard for an educated woman to turn her head off. That’s part of the joy of being a submissive. None of the decisions are yours. When you can’t refuse anything and can’t even move, those voices in your head go silent. All you can do, and all you are permitted to do, is feel. – Cherise Sinclair
God has spoken to man, and the Bible is his Word, given to us to make us wise unto salvation… Godliness means responding to God’s revelation in trust and obedience, faith and worship, prayer and praise, submission and service. Life must be seen and lived in the light of God’s Word. This, and nothing else, is true religion. – J. I. Packer
Take advice, but not orders. Only give yourself orders. Abraham Lincoln once said, ‘Since I will be no one’s slave, I will be no one’s master.’ – Jim Rohn
One thing that has helped me personally in the past was to stop interfering with the people around me and getting frustrated when I couldn’t change them. Instead of intrusion and passivity, may I suggest submission? Some people make the mistake of confusing “submission” with “weakness”, whereas it is anything but. Submission is a form of peaceful acceptance of the terms of the universe, including the things we are currently unable to change or comprehend. – Elif Safak
Worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness; the nourishment of mind with His truth; the purifying of imagination by His Beauty; the opening of the heart to His love; the surrender of will to His purpose – and all of this gathered up in adoration, the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable and therefore the chief remedy for that self-centeredness which is our original sin and the source of all actual sin. – William Temple
Our challenge is to unselfishly sacrifice all that we have been given, including our will. Elder Neal A. Maxwell rightly said: “The submission of one’s will is really the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God’s altar. The many other things we ‘give’ … are actually the things He has already given or loaned to us. – Robert K. Dellenbach
Take as an example the wisdom of Joseph and his submission. Do battle in chastity and service until you make yourself a king (cf. Gen. 41). – Pachomius the Great
Will we ever understand the price of ambition, or ever apply our heart to life with submission? – Francisco Leon
Progress and reaction have both turned out to be swindles. Seemingly, there is nothing left but quietism – robbing reality of its terrors by simply submitting to it. – George Orwell
The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority. – Stanley Milgram
God does not call men to make Jesus Lord (as though they had such power), but to live in absolute submission to the Lord He has made. – Paul Washer
True belief is not about blind submission. It is about open-eyed acceptance, and acceptance requires persistent distance from the truth, and that distance is doubt. Doubt, in other words, can feed faith, rather than destroy it. And it forces us, even while believing, to recognize our fundamental duty with respect to God’s truth: humility. We do not know. Which is why we believe. – Andrew Sullivan
The Aristocratic Institutions of England [had] acted much like the Slavery Institutions of America… [in] demoralis[ing] large classes outside their own special boundaries… [in producing] a long habit of submission… [and in] enfeebl[ing] by corrupting those who should assail them. – John Bright
Anything less than abject submission has to have some attack in it. – Frank Herbert
Indignation is a submission of our thoughts, but not of our desires. – Bertrand Russell
It does not matter what the whip is; it is none the less a whip, because you have cut thongs for it out of your own souls. – John Ruskin
In regard of God, patience is a submission to His sovereignty. To endure a trial, simply because we cannot avoid or resist it, is not Christian patience. But to humbly submit because it is the will of God to inflict the trial, to be silent because the sovereignty of God orders it – is true godly patience. – Stephen Charnock
There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice – Grover Cleveland
Oh words, what crimes are committed in your name? ~Jack or The Submission – Eugene Ionesco
You would not make the act of submission which is the price of sanity. – George Orwell
I always say to audiences of men: “Cooperation beats submission. Trust me.” – Gloria Steinem
There are such things as consecrated griefs, sorrows that may be common to everyone but which take on a special character when accepted intelligently and offered to God in loving submission. – Aiden Wilson Tozer