You all experience so many inextricable feelings that you end up feeling exhausted thinking and seeking the right words for your thoughts. You wonder what is it about words that you feel in your marrow that keep you inviting and lead you to another time dimension; they magnetize you to the present yet holding within a place where the real and the imaginary, the concrete and the abstract, when the alive and the acutely lifeless encounter and establish something bigger, larger, something miraculous.
We don’t just post – we know, we understand, we empathize!
QuotesLists uses the power of words in favor of your flow of emotion be it shiny or dark and murky. represents, through lines, many fundamental human needs that are met with compassion and affection. QuotesLists lets you travel through words uninterrupted and free. Let this small window of words lead you to the world of fascination you can freely and unapologetically call it home.